Notice of Application to the Comptroller of Water Rights Under the Water Utility Act and The Utilities Commission Act
Name of Utility: Koocanusa Village
Notice is hereby given by: 0938534 B.C. Ltd.
An application has been made to the Comptroller of Water Rights for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the proposed construction and operation of a waterworks distribution system to serve the following land:
Civic Address: Marcer Road, Koocanusa Village, BC
Legal Description: Lot B, District Lot 10348, Kootenay District Plan EPP101154 Except Plan EPP109367
Parcel ID: 031-150-624
Any person wishing further information in connection with this application should apply directly to:
0938534 B.C. Ltd.
c/o PO Box 1799, 2001-6th Avenue, Fernie, BC V0B 1M0
Any objections to this application are to be forwarded to the Secretary to the Comptroller of Water Rights, Ministry of Forests, Lands & Natural Resource Operations, PO Box 9340 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, BC V8W 9M1 ( and should be received on or before:
January 8th, 2024