Pursuant to sections 24 and 94 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that the District of Elkford intendes to provide assistance to the Elkford Chamber of Commerce under the terms of a Partnering Agreement.
Term of Agreement: January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022
Nature of Agreement: The District intendes to provide a Fee for Service to the Chamber of Commerce in the amount of 50 per cent of the total business license revenue (excluding Inter-Community Business Licenses) received by the District for 2022 In addition, the District intendes to provide in-kind use of District facilities at an approximate value of $ 3,525 for the 2023 fiscal year. The Chamber agrees to provide, encourage and stimulate Elkford’s economic development initaitives throughout the term of the Agreement.
J. Johnston
Director of Planning and Development Services
January 9, 2023