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Over 2,000 people at the Demo Derby in Fernie BC

Over 2,000 people showed up to the rodeo grounds on Labour Day weekend to the annual Fernie Demolition Derby to see dozens of specialised machines put on a smashing spectacular. However, with the lease on the rodeo land now expired and development plans being made, the future of the derby is uncertain. ‘We have tentative places we could go, but we don’t want to move out of town’, says Rick Ganter, Lions Club member and long time derby organiser.
Over 2

Over 2,000 people showed up to the rodeo grounds on Labour Day weekend to the annual Fernie Demolition Derby to see dozens of specialised machines put on a smashing spectacular. However, with the lease on the rodeo land now expired and development plans being made, the future of the derby is uncertain. ‘We have tentative places we could go, but we don’t want to move out of town’, says Rick Ganter, Lions Club member and long time derby organiser.


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