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Protect our industries Kingsman Resources TSXv: (KSM) Vancouver

Kingsman Resources operates in Golden, Barriere and Grand Forks, B.C. and tries to support the local communities by hiring local people to carry out our exploration. During the 1950-1980 I spent considerable time in the Polson Montana Flathead Lake region with my family. My father loved the area and built me a Hydro plane and named it Miss Polson as a thank you to the people of Polson for their friendship and hospitality over the years.

Kingsman Resources operates in Golden, Barriere and Grand Forks, B.C. and tries to support the local communities by hiring local people to carry out our exploration. During the 1950-1980 I spent considerable time in the Polson Montana Flathead Lake region with my family. My father loved the area and built me a Hydro plane and named it Miss Polson as a thank you to the people of Polson for their friendship and hospitality over the years.


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